the Word
of Truth

2 Timothy 2:15

A Church Centered on

Committed to

Loving God and People

TCM Philippines is a vibrant community of believers who place Jesus Christ at the center of our faith and worship. We believe in the life, teachings, death, and resurrection of Jesus as the foundation of our salvation and the ultimate expression of God's love for humanity.

you are always welcome here!

Welcome to TCM Philippines Official Website

Welcome message from TCM Philippines Quad Media Head, Rev. Marvin T. Amlon.

Our Values

beliefs that unite us



We stand by the value of grace as the foundation of our faith and the core of our message. We believe that God's grace is freely given to all, and it is through His grace that we experience salvation, forgiveness, and transformation. Our emphasis on grace reflects the teachings of the Apostle Paul, who reminded us that we are justified by faith and not by works.


Gospel-Centered Living

We value living out the transformative power of the Gospel in our daily lives. Following Paul's example, we recognize that the Gospel is not merely a set of beliefs but a life-altering message that shapes our attitudes, actions, and relationships. We seek to integrate the teachings of Christ and Paul into every aspect of our lives, demonstrating the love and grace of God to the world around us.


Inclusive Love

We value inclusive love and strive to create a community where everyone is welcome, accepted, and embraced. Inspired by Paul's teachings, we understand that God's love knows no boundaries or restrictions. We endeavor to extend this love to all individuals, regardless of their background, ethnicity, social status, or past mistakes.



We embrace the empowering presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives and ministry. Understanding Paul's teachings on the role of the Holy Spirit, we acknowledge the Spirit's guidance, comfort, and power as we navigate life's challenges and fulfill our calling. We depend on the Holy Spirit to equip and enable us to live victoriously and to impact others with the message of grace.



We prioritize a strong emphasis on faith in our spiritual journey. We believe that faith is not just a one-time event but a continual reliance on God's promises and His faithfulness. Guided by Paul's teachings, we encourage one another to trust in God's sovereignty, seek His guidance, and live out our faith with conviction and courage.


Discipleship and Growth

We are committed to fostering a culture of discipleship and growth within our community. Inspired by Paul's instructions to mentor and disciple others, we prioritize spiritual growth, equipping believers to mature in their faith, and empowering them to serve God and others. We provide opportunities for biblical education, mentoring relationships, and practical training, encouraging all members to grow as followers of Christ.

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TCM Philippines (Things to Come Mission Philippines) is a vibrant Christian organization committed to spreading the transformative message of God’s grace, following the teachings of Apostle Paul, and rightly dividing the Word of truth.

“Rightly dividing the Word of truth” refers to our approach of interpreting and understanding the Scriptures accurately, taking into account the different dispensations and the progressive revelation of God’s plan throughout history.

We welcome individuals who are passionate about serving God and making a difference. You can get involved by joining our ministries, attending our events, volunteering, or supporting our mission through prayers and donations. Reach out to us for more information on specific opportunities.

TCM Philippines leans heavily on the teachings of Apostle Paul, focusing on the unmerited favor of God, the centrality of faith, and the transformative power of the Holy Spirit. We emphasize salvation by grace through faith, the believer’s identification with Christ, and the growth and edification of the Church.

Absolutely! TCM Philippines embraces diversity and welcomes individuals from different denominations. While we hold to the teachings of Apostle Paul, we recognize and respect the richness of various Christian traditions and value unity in the essentials of the Gospel.

We are committed to compassionate ministry and social justice. Our organization actively engages in acts of service, community outreach, and support to those in need. Through initiatives like humanitarian aid, social programs, and partnerships with local organizations, we strive to make a positive impact and demonstrate God’s love in practical ways.

You can stay connected by visiting our website for updates on events, ministries, and resources. Follow us on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to receive regular updates and engage in discussions. You can also sign up for our newsletter to stay informed about the latest happenings and opportunities.

Our Locations

we would love to see you!

Davao City Grace Gospel Church, Inc.


8000, 129 Guillermo E. Torres St, Davao City

service times:

Sunday School 8:30 am

Worship Service 10 am

Tambulig Grace Gospel Church of Christ


Purok 1 Happy Valley Tambulig, Zamboanga del Sur

service times:

Sunday School 8:30 am

Worship Service 10 am